New Admissions Program - Bridgewater State University
Bridgewater State University has just launched an impressive and comprehensive admissions program, with web, print, video, event and physical components. The team at Bridgwater asked us to partner with the brilliant people at the Kor Group and their writers at the Libretto group to help them develop this program. Our role - photography and videography that aligned with the strategy, messaging and the design of the program. We created hundreds of photos now being used in 8 different collateral pieces and a microsite, and we also created two videos and aligned the messaging with four 30-second broadcast spots, and four 15-second narrowcast spots.
Welcome Center Video
One of the videos, above, was created for the Welcome Center at Bridgewater. It really is a preview of a tour that parents and prospective students are going to take after seeing the video. We wanted to convey visuals and messages important to the students - and to the parents. Creative drone videography helped tell the story. We also, fortuitously, were filming the day of an acapella group concert: the students were up for improvising a song on the spot "Welcome to Bridgewater State University,"which was echoed throughout the video.

Acapella group at Bridgewater harmonized "Welcome to Bridgewater State University."
Microsite Video
The second video is featured on the new admissions microsite developed by the Kor group. We really wanted to convey quickly the opportunities available to prospective students. We also wanted to show the diversity of the student body in different activities so that prospective students could see themselves fitting in. Academics, dorm life, social life all had to be covered.

The soundtrack for the microsite video was an African drum group from Bridgewater.
Hundreds of on-message, energized still photos
For the print campaign (as well as for powerpoint presentations, trade show booths and other materials) we photographed several hundred scenes around campus. Videography and photography were done at the same time.

Client Kudos
We have worked on dozens and dozens of campaigns for academic institutions and for a range of multinationals, start-ups and mid-sized firms. This 'Opportunity' campaign from Bridgewater is one of the most well-thought out and well-executed programs we've ever seen - from the research, testing, design, writing and production perspectives - and it was great to be involved.