Bronze Medal! Reimagining Longevity Ideathon at the Cambridge Innovation Center
So, my first "ideathon" - a weekend working with a bright, diverse team to develop an empathetic, original idea to ease the burden of caring for people with Alzheimers. A great cause, great team, and with a 4 minute presentation, a chance to compete with over 50 other entrepreneurs for recognition, cash, and a seat at the longevity hub at the innovation center. And we did well! Third place. And that seat at the Innovation Center. And T-shirts. And a path forward.

4Q Catalyst Team: Scott Guthery and Mary Cronin in front. Tom Anderson, Nicole Casper and Kelsey Anderson in the back row.
The formal title of the ideathon: Reimagining Longevity - Innovating Dementia Care in Japan, U.S. and the World. It was sponsored by a 30 billion Japanese firm, focused on Elder Care, Sompo Corporation.